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 Overseas Programs for Chinese University Leaders

  Targeting presidents and vice presidents from both local and national universities, Overseas Leadership Program for Chinese University Leaders lasts one month with 3 -week overseas study, jointly hosted with prestigious international partner institutions. About 10 such programs are held annually with 25 participants in each one. In the past ten years, over 1000 Chinese university leaders have participated in such programs.

  International Partner institutions for this program:

  Australia: The University of Sydney, the University of Adelaide, University of New South Wales, the University of Technology, Sydney;

  Canada: The University of British Columbia, The University of Toronto,

  Finland: The University of Tampere, The University of Applied Sciences, Tampere.

  Germany: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the Free University Berlin and Leuphana University of Lueneburg;

  UK: the Imperial College, Kings College, Oxford University, the University of Edinburgh, London South Bank University and Southampton Solent University etc. USA: The University of Michigan, the University of Notre Dame, Ohio State University, University of Virginia, University of California, Berkeley, Rice University, California State University, Fullerton etc. 


Date: 04 December 2018

Writer: 系统管理员
